200th Anniversary of Alexander Henry's Adventures Publication
"On the 26th of August, we reached the Portages a la Vase, three in number .... Their name describes the boggy ground of which they consist. In passing one of them, we saw many beaver-houses and dams; and by breaking one of the dams, we let off water enough to float our canoes down a small stream.... These carrying-places, and the intermediate navigation, brought us at length, to the head of a small river, which falls into Lake Nipisingue." Alexander Henry Travels and Adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories Between the years 1760 and 1776 Published by I. Riley, in New York: I. 1809.

Events & Announcements
Canoe Day
Canoe Day 2024​
Saturday July 20 from 8:30 am to approximately 3:00 pm.Join us and other history buffs, canoe enthusiasts, and North Bay residents who want to experience the famous 'La Vase Portages', that was both celebrated and endured by the voyageurs.Tour guides will point out key features along the route. Lunch and a shuttle is included in the $30/person registration fee.Go to our Events Page for more info and to register.
New Interactive GIS Map!
We are excited to announce a new GIS tool included on our website (The Route) to assist people tour La Vase Portages virtually, or even assist them when they are experiencing it first hand.